Why do some entrepreneurs skyrocket their businesses by 5x to 10x in just 12-24 months, while others trudge through the slow marathon of incremental growth?

What do they know that you don't?

Unlock Agency Growth: Buy
Businesses to Grow Revenue Year over Year

Master Agency M&A by gaining the strategies and frameworks to accelerate agency growth with programmatic acquisitions. This Agency M&A Course provides you with the strategies to transform your agency, navigate acquisitions, and prepare for a successful exit.

Dear Agency Owner,

You’ve built your agency with passion, sweat, and countless hours of hard work. You’ve come a long way from where your agency first started. You’ve had tremendous success and even built a strong team but as you eye the next phase – whether it’s an acquisition, merger, or a seamless exit – the path seems complex. 


  • Do you want to acquire an agency but are not sure of the steps and want to get the best deal?
  • Are you tired of slow organic growth and want to double or triple the size of your revenue to sell within the next 5 years?
  • Does the thought of your agency’s future without you bring uncertainty and you need a succession plan?
  • Do you lead a large team and feel the weight of ensuring consistent growth and cohesion?

If you’re asking yourself; where do you begin? How can I GROW faster when me and my team I already feel so MAXED out and tired?


Can I just MULTIPLY my agency revenue…WITHOUT having to multiply all of my work?


This is exactly what this Mastering Agency M&A course teaches you in detail over 11 content-packed sessions. I created this course for you. 

Introducing: Mastering Agency M&A

A comprehensive roadmap designed to empower agency owners like you.
Navigate the intricate world of mergers and acquisitions, understand the nuances of valuations,
and set your agency up for lasting success.

This comprehensive course will arm you with the knowledge and strategies to:

Identify the Right Agencies to Buy

Dive deep into the art and science of finding potential acquisitions that align with your vision and growth strategy.

Understand Valuation Nuances

Not all agency valuations are created equal. Learn to discern true value and make informed buying decisions.

Navigate Post-Acquisition Challenges

Acquisitions aren't just about signing a deal. Discover how to seamlessly integrate and retain clients and employees, ensuring a smooth transition.

Plan Your Succession

Ensure your agency thrives, even in your absence. Design a succession plan that stands the test of time.

Leverage Direct Deals

Bypass middlemen and engage directly with agency owners for win-win scenarios.

This Course Is Perfect for You If You Are...

Eyeing Acquisitions

If you’re considering acquiring a smaller, specialized agency to rapidly expand your client base and onboard skilled marketers, this course will be your roadmap.

Considering an Exit Strategy

If you’re contemplating selling your agency in the foreseeable future and want to ensure you get the best valuation and transition smoothly, the insights in this course are invaluable.

Leading a Robust Team

If you’re at the helm of a large team (30+ employees) and seeking strategies to streamline operations, foster team cohesion, and drive growth through acquisitions, this course is tailored for you.

Seeking Work-Life Harmony

Balancing the demands of running an agency with personal commitments, especially if you have a family, can be daunting. This course will guide you in growing your business strategically without compromising on personal time.

Course Modules

Your roadmap to navigating acquisitions, understanding valuations, and ensuring your agency thrives today and in the future.

Agency Acquisitions Course

Inside This Transformational Course, You'll Discover:

Strategic Acquisitions – The art and science of identifying perfect-fit agencies to buy.

Valuation Mastery – Cut through the noise and truly understand an agency’s worth.

Smooth Integration – Strategies to ensure seamless post-acquisition transitions.

Succession Blueprint – Craft a plan that guarantees your agency thrives, even without you.

Direct Deal Tactics – Engage directly with agency owners, eliminating middlemen and crafting win-win scenarios.

What Other Owners Are Saying

CLIENT DISCLAIMER: It’s our ethical responsibility to let you know that the case studies and testimonials are from client results. We are not implying that you will be able to duplicate results seen on this page. Your results may vary, based on many factors. DigitalAgencyBusiness, a product of Uhuru Network Texas, LLC does not assume responsibility for the contents of, or the consequence of using, any content or document found on our website.
Before using any forms of content or documents found on this website, you should consult with a lawyer licensed in the country where your company was formed. 

Tackling Agency Pain Points with Proactive Solutions

Every agency owner, regardless of their agency’s size or niche, encounters a unique set of challenges as they aim to scale. From time-consuming administrative tasks to concerns about the right leadership, these challenges can sometimes seem insurmountable. However, with the right strategies in place, you can not only address these issues but turn them into opportunities for growth.

Pain Points Agency Owner Face

Administrative Overload
Spending more time on paperwork than on strategy.

Cash Flow Challenges
Unpredictable revenue streams hampering growth.

Operational Bottlenecks
Day-to-day tasks overshadowing long-term vision.

Succession Concerns
Uncertainty about the agency’s future without you.


Solutions Tailored for You

Strategic Acquisitions
Identify the right agencies to buy, aligning with your growth vision.

Informed Valuations
Navigate the nuances of agency valuation, ensuring you pay the right price.

Planned Integrations
Seamlessly integrate acquisitions, retaining key clients and talent.

Craft a robust succession plan, ensuring your agency’s longevity.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Agency?

Are you ready to reclaim your time, immerse yourself in what you love doing, and stop getting pulled into administrative burdens and relentless agency firefighting?

What Will You Learn

How to identity, analyze, negotiate, and close an agency acquisition.

Developing your blueprint for M&A starts with getting a perspective on why programmatic M&A works for you. You’ll understand how to identify where M&A offers the opportunity to fill your gaps in your business growth. You’ll determine how your M&A strategy capitalizes on recent trends and disruptions and define the boundaries and constraints of your deals.

Gain an understanding of how to make the distinction between owners just wanting information and motivated sellers. Learn what to say, ask, and how to say it on the many calls you will have with potential sellers.

Learn the formula to scale M&A activities and rollup a handful to a dozen owner-operators.

Establish a sense of urgency through programmatic M&A. Leverage competitive realities, identify major opportunities, and avoid potential crises.

Every business owner wants 15X multiples on their business — but how do you know if their agency is really worth what they are asking for? Learn how to get the information you need for valuations, what to look for, and what questions to ask to determine a company’s true worth.

A simple Google search shows that 70% of acquisitions fail because of poor post-deal integrations. Deals are easy; integrations are hard. Not properly integrating the acquired company will result in lost revenue, high employee turnover, lost client accounts, and a headache for everyone involved.

Every owner wants to know how to go on extended vacations, long sabbaticals, or sell the company without getting stuck in the post-deal day-to-day operations. Learn how to avoid this by creating an agency owner succession plan.

Learn why you shouldn’t be looking for agencies for sale through websites, brokers, or bankruptcy practitioners. This course will lay out why you should deal directly with agency owners; you can present a deal structure that solves their issues and gets you a win-win deal (rather than competing in an auction or providing a middleman a cut of the deal). With our method, you’ll see results much faster and save yourself from that painful nine- to 18-month process.

Still Unsure?
Schedule a Call.


If you’re uncertain about whether “Mastering Agency M&A” is the right fit for you, schedule a 30-minute call with our course administrator, Tatiana.


She’ll walk you through the curriculum, discuss your unique challenges, and ensure that this course aligns with your goals.


Get Instant Access to Exclusive Insights to Scale Your Businesses to $10M, $20M, $50M, and Beyond.

This course has doubled the size of agencies just like yours … and at a no-brainer investment.


A year from now, you’re going to be a year older. What are you going to do?

Will your agency be the same or transformed?

A One-Time Payment of


Two Monthly Payments of


Three Monthly Payments of


Have Questions? 
Tatiana Spisz – Course Administrator
+1 (512) 333-1748

Questions Other Agency Owners Have Had Before Buying

Yes, the course is designed to cater to agencies both big and small. Whether you’re a boutique firm or a large organization, the strategies covered will be applicable and beneficial.

Absolutely. The course is structured to be comprehensive, starting with foundational concepts and gradually delving into advanced strategies. Whether you’re new to M&A or have some prior knowledge, you’ll find value in the content.

If you’re thinking of selling you’re agency in 3-5 years, starting to double, triple or improve your EBITA to get the highest multiple on sale you need to start now. By taking this course now, you’ll be equipped with the most up-to-date insights and strategies, giving you a competitive edge in the agency market. Plus, proactive learning can position you for opportunities that others might miss.

While there’s a plethora of information online, sifting through it to find reliable, actionable, and comprehensive insights can be daunting. This course condenses years of expertise into a structured, easy-to-follow format and it’s geared specifically for agency acquisitions. Think of it as a curated roadmap, saving you countless hours of research and potential missteps.

The course is designed to be self-paced, but on average, you can expect spend 3-5 hours per week if you’re completing a module a week. This includes watching lessons, reading materials, and implementing the strategies. You could spend 10+ hours a week if you plan to consume all of the videos and content in a fast-pased maner. Remember, the goal is to absorb and apply the knowledge, so take the time you need.

The course is designed to be self-paced, but on average, students complete it in 6-8 weeks. Remember, the goal is to absorb and apply the knowledge, so take the time you need.

You will have access to the couse for lifetime. And with every new version of the course I do live, the content gets updated with the latest videos and resources.

The course is designed for individual access. However, if you’re interested in a team or agency-wide enrollment, please contact us for special pricing and arrangements.

The course is hosted on a user-friendly platform and consists of video lessons, reading materials, case studies, and assignments. You can access it anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

While there are no strict prerequisites, it’s beneficial if you have a basic understanding of your agency operations. However, the course is comprehensive enough to be valuable even if you don’t own an agency and want to acquire one instead of starting an agency business from scratch.

The course is structured in a way to maximize retention and application. Each lesson becomes available once you complete the previous one. Additionally, we’ll have check-in calls with you throughout the course to ensure you’re progressing well and to address any questions or challenges you might have.

We stand by the quality and value of our course. If, however, you’re not satisfied, please reach out to us within the first 5 days for a full refund. Because the course content spans eleven modules, by day five you’ll be more than halfway through but if you don’t see yourself applying the strategies and don’t see yourself utilizing what you have learned then contact us for a refund.

Accelerate to Your Agency's Valuation